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Court Closure Notice:

The Court will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 for Presidents' Day

Remote Zoom Hearings

Sierra Superior Court Zoom Invites are recurring.  The information on this invite (Meeting ID / Password) will not change and can be used to participate in any upcoming hearing.  You need only login to the “Zoom meeting” at the time your specific court case is set to begin.  

Before You Connect

  • Be sure you have downloaded the Zoom program and created an account if you do not have one already.  You need only sign up for the free account to participate in the court proceeding.   

  • Use your full first and last name when logging into the "meeting".   

  • If you are unfamiliar with computer technology, please consider using the telephone call-in number to participate.  

How to Join

Meeting ID and Password

Meeting ID: 160 281 7335

Password: 326532

By Computer (Preferred Method)

Join the meeting from your cellphone, tablet, desktop, or laptop computer. 

Join the Meeting

If you need to join audio by phone: 

You may NOT record in any manner (either audio or visual) any court proceeding without first obtaining a written court order.  If you violate this rule, you may be subject to criminal penalties.

Helpful Tips

  • The device should be plugged into a charging device during the hearing.
  • Have a reliable internet or phone connection.
  • If you are disconnected during the calendar, first seek to reconnect via the Zoom platform.
  • If you continue to have issues, contact the Court clerk at (530) 289-2926.

  • When you join the meeting, you will be in the Zoom virtual “waiting room”.  
  • Please do not speak until the Judge calls your case. 
  • When the Court is ready, you will be moved into the virtual courtroom for your court appearance.    
  • Upon entry into the Zoom meeting your microphone will be muted. The court will unmute when it is your turn to talk.  
  • Once connected, please practice etiquette similar to what you would use in a normal courtroom setting. 
  • Speak slowly and clearly at all times.   
  • Announce your name before you begin speaking, and do not interrupt or otherwise speak over another person.    
  • Dress appropriately for court. 
  • Parties must appear in a quiet, private area with minimal background noise. Avoid noisy and echoing locations.  
  • No children are allowed to be present for the hearing unless specifically ordered by the Judge for this specific hearing.  
  • You may NOT record in any manner (either audio or visual) any court proceeding without a court order.  

  • Make sure no one else is in the room with you. 
  • Make sure no one else can listen, see or record the meeting.   

Any exhibits (i.e. evidence) you will submit to the Court during your hearing must be filed with the Court NO LESS THAN 3 DAYS before the hearing. 

Email your exhibits to:    

If you have more than one exhibit, you must attach them to the email as individual documents.  

You must serve copies of your exhibits to all parties no less than 3 days before the hearing date and submit a proof of service to the court showing service has been completed.  The Court will not accept exhibits that are filed less than 3 days before the hearing date and /or were not provided to the opposing party (no proof of service in the court file).  

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